Friday, November 11, 2005

180 lbs

I have been trying to lose weight and get in better shape lately with a dim goal of getting down to 160 lbs by Christmas and continuing on to an eventual goal of 140 lbs by whenever. Last week I weighed in at 183 lbs, perhaps the heaviest I have ever been. Ug. I can feel the extra weight when I go hiking and hit those steep hills. It pains me to have regained all the weight I lost several years ago. I guess I'm just your typical yo yo type. I haven't figured out how to get myself to maintain the weight when I reach my weight goal.

This week I have gone to the gym at work every day so far and worked out on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I spend 5 minutes at a walking pace to warm up, run at 5.2 mph for 30 minutes, and spend 5 minutes at a walking pace cooling down. I do a wee bit of stretching afterwards. I probably should do more stretching but I don't. The treadmill machine reports to me that for my efforts I have burned 360 calories and walked/run 3 miles.

I have had a good week at work. I am at the coding stage of my current project and really my favorite thing to do at work is write code. I thought my favorite part would be designing the code but after one experience of that, I prefer writing the code from an exisiting design to doing the design. I think if I wasn't so new at this work, I might prefer the design work. Its just hard to design something when you don't know much about how things work.

This weekend I plan on going geocaching by bike on Sunday in Half Moon bay with my geocaching buddies. Before we start we are having a pancake breakfast at V's house. Yummmm! ccc is joining us for the breakfast but has to work Sunday at noon so will pass on the geocaching. I'm not sure what ccc and I will be up to tomorrow -- Frontrunners, hiking, and/or doing chores are possible things we might do.

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