Phew. This is the last day of NaBloPoMo. I have come to the easy conclusion that I'm not a regular blogger and I prefer to blog whenever the blog bug bites me rather than do it regularly everyday. Its more fun to write when the spirit moves me than at a designated time. I suspect I will continue to blog at my usual snails pace of one or two blogs a month. NaBloPoMo has not inspired me to blog more or to become more excited about blogging. I'm not sure what I got out of it. Perhaps the satisfaction that I made a promise to myself to do it and I succeeded. Now that I know what it is like I probably won't participate again. It was an interesting experiment and I'm still digesting what it told me about myself and my urge or not urge to write.
I'm off to watch a Stanford Women's basketball game tonight. I nearly forgot about it until I got an email from the Stanford Women's Basketball publicity person reminding me of the game. It was on my calendar also but I hadn't check the calendar out yet before that email. I hate to miss a game as I paid good money for the tickets and the games are fun. I do wish all the games were on weekends but alas about half of them are on work day evenings. The PAC-12 games generally fall on Thursday and Saturday evenings every other week or starting in January till the beginning of March. Tonights game is against an out of conference foe, UC Davis.
I got a new computer at work today and spent lots of time getting all the software upgraded that I need to do my job. I didn't get much new work done but in the long run the new more powerful computer will help me do my job more efficiently.