Its Veteran's day. I am not close to any veterans. My Father was a conscientious objector in World War II and served in the civilian public service camps rather than go to the war. My Mom's brother was a staunch pacifist and refused to serve in or support WWII in anyway and was sent to jail. My own brothers managed to be born in a time where they did not get drafted. They were too young for Vietnam and too old for the Gulf War. My ex-girlfriend had veterans in her family but I never got that close to them. I wonder if the holiday means more when you are close to a veteran. I expect it does. I do appreciate all the veterans out there who fought in wars to keep the world safe. I wish that fighting wars was not the way to make the world safe but as long as it continues to be so I thank the veterans for making that sacrifice and serving their country.
I did not get Veterans day off from work. I used to get time off for it when I worked at NASA Ames Research center because it was a federal government facility. Now I work for a commercial satellite company so no Veterans day off for me anymore. It was always an odd holiday in that if it fell on a weekday, that was when we had the holiday. So sometimes you got a day off in the middle of the week. I rather liked it as it gave me a day of rest. Usually holidays are smashed up against the weekend and I often have big travel plans for them and although its fun I get worn out. With a random day off in the middle of the week, I usually just sleep in and enjoy being at home and getting rested.