Charlotte and I went to visit her friend, S, this weekend. S lives in the Santa Cruz mountains in a small cottage with a marvelous deck and an awesome view of the Pacific ocean in the distance. We went hiking on the property first. At one point we were bushwacking and went through some poison oak. I tried to avoid it but failed. Alas both Charlotte and I got poison oak. Charlotte seems to have a bit more than I. I have small patches on my hip, elbow, and calf. They don't itch too much so far. Knock on wood.
Charlotte's car is in the shop. Her ignition switch was burned out. Who knew that ignition switches run around $300.00. And who knows what damage was done elsewhere by the switch burning out. Hopefully today the part will arrive and they can install it and do the tests to see what else might be damaged. I really hope nothing more is damaged and the labor costs don't get too steep.
They are building a new office here at work in my part of cube city. I just heard a power drill making noise. I'll be glad when its done and the noise stops. The office is for a new executive. They pulled apart two cubes in the area and are now putting up walls (floor to ceiling) and a door and fixing up the air conditioning etc.