This googlism page is fun. I plugged in Kieren, Wen, and Cathy. Here are some of the results that made me laugh for some reason:
kieren is the miner for the wob guild and she lives in the town of delucia where she mines the mountain range
wen is the glue that keeps the word "consistent" in our drunken vocabulary
cathy is perpetually single
Tuesday, June 10, 2003
A fun web site to play with Googlism that I saw on E's live journal. Here are the results on my name:
cathy roberts is an environmental scientist working within sulfide solutions business unit
cathy roberts is a 7th grade
cathy roberts is in her fourth year as associate athletic director for facilities and operations
cathy roberts is with them
cathy roberts is a cinematographer/operator with experience in the camera department on over 250 dramatic tv episodes and numerous documentaries
cathy roberts is a cinematographer/operator with experience in over 250 dramatic tv episodes and numerous documentaries
I like "cathy roberts is with them". Rather mysterious don't ya think? The typo on the 7th grade one makes me giggle. I am a 7th grade. That's one tiny school.